
2 camere | 55 m²

ONE Herastrau Towers | Design Apartments

Bucuresti-Ilfov / Bucuresti
265.000 €

Rată estimată

5.941 Lei/lună

Avans (15%)

197.558 lei

Perioada împrumutului

30 ani


Preț negociabil Nu

Nu include TVA Da

Suprafața utilă 55 m²

Număr camere 2

Tip imobil Bloc apartamente

Compartimentare Semidecomandat

Număr Băi 1

Etaj 7

Niveluri imobil 12+

An finalizare construcție 2020

Confort Lux

Ansamblu Rezidențial Nu

Posibilitate parcare Nu

Mobilat și Utilat Nemobilat

Stare proprietate Nouă

Tip tranzacție Vânzare

Tip vânzător Companie

One Herăstrău Towers continues the One Herastrau Trilogy with 2 towers with 151 apartments and 32,000 sqm, designed as a gateway to the city with its towers that offer a panoramic view over Lake Herăstrău and the northern area of the city. It is a mixed compound that includes residential, office and commercial units.

One Herăstrău Towers is an asset not only for the future tenants but for the entire community and the environment as well. The construction is meant to be an upgrade for the whole area, while the shops and services available on the ground floor and the first floor of the building will serve not only residents but also those who will carry out their activity in the area or will simply pass by.

One Herăstrău Towers benefits from an elegant contemporary design with high-quality finishes, has 45 meters of height and  consist of three areas: the base of the building and the two towers. The base of the building has 5.250 square meters dedicated to commercial and office spaces, a thing that embeds the construction in the urban landscape. The area is animated by a commercial promenade, flanked by the 8-meter height glass façade, which marks the idea of visual permeability both to the promenade and the commercial space. The promenade integrates the green spaces, the ramps, the stairs and gradients that take up the level differences from adjacent streets and access to dwelling units, each vertically opening through double-height lobbying.
Energy Certificate - Class A.
Loc parcare se poate achizitiona separat


Despre zona "Herastrau"

păreri exprimate de 5 de utilizatori, pe o scară de la 1 la 10

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Anunțurile utilizatorului Lucian Dan

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