
544 m²

Hotel / Pensiune cu 13 apartamente+spatiu pentru restaura...

Bucuresti-Ilfov / Bucuresti
1.400.000 eur


Suprafața utilă 544 m²

An finalizare construcție 1960

Stadiu construcție Finalizat

Număr încăperi 17

Posibilitate parcare Nu

Preț negociabil Nu

Nu include TVA Nu

Tip tranzacție Vânzare

Tip vânzător Companie

Aparthotel cu 13 apartamente si spatiu si locuri parcare 
AP.1 -studio 24.4 mp utili (camera, baie, bucatarie)
AP.2-studio 31,7 mp utili (camera, baie, bucatarie open-space)
AP.3-apartament 2 camere 37 mp utili ( living, dormitor, baie, bucatarie)
AP.4- apartament 2 camere 43.5 mp utili (living, dormitor, baie, bucatarie)
Etaj 1
AP.5- apartamnet 2 camere 45,85 mp utili (living cu bucatarie open-space, dormitor baie, hol)
AP.6- apartament 2 camere 34,6 mp utili (living cu bucatarie open space, dormitor, baie, hol, balcon)
AP.7- apartament 2 camere 43,6 mp utili (living, dormitor, baie, bucatarie, hol, balcon)
AP.8- aparatment 3 camere 83,1 mp utili ( living cu bucatarie, open space, 2 dormitoare, 2 bai, dressing, hol)
AP.9-apartament 2 camere 41,9 mp utili ( living, bucatarie, baie, dormitor, hol)
plus 35,7 mp suprafta utila spatii comune
Corp 2. 
Apartament.1 , 23 mp utili, (camera, baie , bucatarie) + terasa 35 mp
Corp. 3
Oficiu + baie 20 mp 
spatiu de 200 mp ,etaj 1 de 80 mp si curte interioara libera 70 mp unde poate functiona ca restaurant, etc

Toate apartamentele dispun de centrala proprie, mobila de bucatarie si aer conditionat. 
Cu deschiderea de 11ml,inclusiv calea de acces.
Intreg imobilul a fost refacut in 2023

Situat stradal in zona Plevnei-Dinicu Golescu, langa Spitalul Militar

Aparthotel with 10 apartments and space and parking spaces
AP.1 - studio 24.4 sq m useful (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen)
AP. 2-studio 31.7 sq m useful (bedroom, bathroom, open-space kitchen)
AP. 3-apartment 2 rooms 37 square meters, useful (living room, bedroom, bathroom, closet)
AP. 4- 2-room apartment 43.5 square meters, useful (living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen)
Floor 1
AP.5- 2-room apartment 45.85 square meters, useful (living room with open-space kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, hall)
AP.6- 2-room apartment 34.6 square meters (living room with open space kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, hall, balcony)
AP.7- 2-room apartment 43.6 square meters (living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, hall, balcony)
AP.8- 3-room apartment, 83.1 square meters of useful space (living room with open space kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dressing room, hall)
AP.9-apartment 2 rooms 41.9 square meters useful (living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, hall)
plus 35.7 square meters of usable common areas
 AP.10. Apartment 1, 23 sq.m., (room, bathroom, kitchen) + 35 sq.m. terrace
 3 Office + bathroom 20 sqm
 Ground floor space 200 sqm, 1st floor of 80 sqm and free inner courtyard of 70 sqm where it can function as a restaurant, etc.

All apartments have their own central heating, kitchen furniture and air conditioning.
With the opening of 11 ml, including the access path.
The entire building was renovated in 2023

Located on the street in the Plevnei-Dinicu Golescu area, near the Military Hospital


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Anunțurile utilizatorului Florentina Cirstea

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